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                            A2386SX BIOS Setup


To access the setup either press CTRL+ALT+ESC during boot up,
or type BBSETUP at the DOS prompt.

Date             The format is (day.month.year)

Time             Sets the bridgeboard real-time clock. 
                 The format is (hour.minute.seconds)
                 Its a 24 hour clock so remember 3pm = 15.00.00 !!

Diskette 0/1     This corresponds to the floppy drives you have designated 
                 through cable connections and jumper settings as A: and B:
                 You must specify the right size of the drive;
                 720K, 1.4M, NONE, 360K or 1.2M

Hard Disk 0/1    When you select this, the right hand side of the display 
                 changes to show a hard disk table. If you are installing 
                 a dedicated PC hard disk, you must set the specifications 
                 for the drive by choosing a hard disk type from the table. 
                 Should be left at NONE for an Autoboot virtual drive,
                 dedicated hard drive or JanusTools partition.

Video            This specifies the default video mode on boot up.
                 Options are: Color 80, MONO, VGA/EGA, Color 40.
                 By default this is set to 80 column colour display.
                 This setting must match your PCPREFS setting for 
                 default bridgeboard video mode.

System Speed     This changes the clock speed of the processor.
                 Normally should be left at HIGH to maximize system's
                 Setting it to LOW will half the clock speed (useful
                 when very old PC software doesn't work correctly)

DRAM Wait        Normally a wait state of 0 is set (no wait states)
States           If slower RAM is added, you may need to change this 
                 to 1

Page Mode        Normally should be left at ENABLED to maximize the
                 system's performance by using Page Mode memory. 
                 If you need to slow the system down for some reason, 
                 you can set this item to disabled.
                 A combination of wait state of 0 and disabled page mode 
                 is not supported by the bridgeboard.

On-Board Base    Allows you to set the amount of bridgeboard memory used as
Memory           base memory, up to a maximum of 640KB.

On-Board Ext     Allows you to set the amount of bridgeboard memory used as
Memory           extended memory. At least 384K of memory must be available
                 (not used as base memory or expanded memory) to allow 
                 shadowing. Any remaining memory may be used as expanded 

Off-board Ext    Allows you to set the amount of memory on any AT-compatible
                 RAM cards used as extended memory. 

VGA/EGA          Shadowing allows you to increase your system performance by 
Shadow           copying data from ROM to higher speed RAM memory. You 
                 should usually leave shadowing enabled to maximize your 
                 systems performance.

                 If you have installed a VGA card in one of the Amiga PC 
                 expansion slots, you should enable shadowing. If you do 
                 not have a VGA card this setting will have no effect on 
                 your system.

BIOS Shadow      Shadowing allows you to increase your system performance by 
                 copying data from ROM to higher speed RAM memory. You 
                 should usually leave shadowing enabled to maximize your 
                 systems performance.

Once you have set all the items appropriately, press End to exit the setup 
utility and save your settings. To abort without saving your changes, 
press Esc.

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